Seeing your friends and classmates post about their summers beginning makes me miss you. If all had gone as planned, you would officially be a Kearney High School Senior! There would be arrangements for senior photos to be taken, college visits may have started, plans for your future beyond high school would be in serious focus.
Remember when we were planning your graduation party? We both thought it would be fun to do a kindergarten-themed event. Juice boxes and little containers of milk, chicken nuggets, pudding cups, apple slices and Go-gurt. I wonder if you still would have thought it would be a good idea. I wonder what else we would plan? Of course we would have to out-shine and out-do Zayne's graduation party. At least a little bit.
This year is going to be hard. Three very close people to me will graduate in May, just as you should have. Mac will be in France, Ash at KHS, and Jacinda at Ravenna. How to I support them and let them know just how proud I am of them and all of their accomplishment and not picture you in a cap and gown? How am I going to get through that and not dissolve or, at the worst, make the graduate feel terrible for reminding me of what you'll never have?
It's not fair. You didn't get to do so many things that most of us take for granted. You deserved to do those things and I really wanted to be a part of them with you.